Lockdown Hotels

Main Image

Welcome screen where a user can login or register

Lockdown Hotels

This application allows a user to view a list of hotels, add extras and make a booking. During the booking stage, the check in date is selected, and number of nights chosen. The price is dynamically updated using JavaScript, based on the user's package choice and addition of extras. The user can pay for their booking using Stripe payment or PayPal. Contact messages can also be sent. A hotel owner can list their property, set prices, add features.

GitHub Link: https://github.com/kevster2017/lockdownHotels

Project added: 11 months ago

Other Images

Second Image

Home page. The user can select which hotels to view.

Third Image

This list shows the available Seaside hotels. Clicking on a hotel brings the user to the hotel page

Fourth Image

The user can add features to their booking. The price is updated based on the user's selection

Fifth Image

The completed booking screen based on the user's selection