Software Development

Main Image

This image shows the Home Page where the user can select which type of challenge to view

Software Development

This application covers basic programming challenges in software development involving Strings, Integers and Sorting. This includes: reversing a string, anagrams, Fibonacci Series, Factorial of Integers and Bubble Sort. The user can select a challenge by clicking a button on the Home Page. Some challenges allow user input, which is checked for the correct type of input. On the view code screen, hints are provided on how to solve the challenges. Clicking on the Display button reveals working code for that challenge. The application was developed in Visual Studio in the C# programming language.

GitHub Link:

Project added: 1 year ago

Other Images

Second Image

This image shows the result of a Palindrome based on user input

Third Image

By selecting the View Code Button, the user is presented with details on how to solve the challenge.

Fourth Image

This image displays the Fibonacci series. Recursion used on user input

Fifth Image

The Fibonacci code screens displays hints on how to solve Fibonacci challenge